Category: Back

Is My Back Pain Spinal Stenosis?

If you have chronic back pain, you more than likely have tried heating pads, cold treatments, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, but nothing really works for long. The back pain comes back just by moving a certain way. Maybe it’s time to find out: is my back pain spinal stenosis?

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Tips To Avoid Back Pain During The Holidays

Isn’t it ironic that one of the supposed happiest times of the year can be filled with stress and warnings about avoiding back pain? It’s true, but there are strategies to reduce the stress and keep you and your back happy. If you are already getting stressed just thinking about the upcoming holiday, here are some tips to avoid back pain during the holidays.

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Common Spinal Issues From Sitting All Day At A Desk

Many of us have worked at a computer in an office for many years, and at the moment we may be working from home. Regardless of where you are working, there is no question sitting at a desk all day takes its toll on the spine. Learn how you can overcome the common spinal issues from sitting all day at a desk.

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Common Causes of Worsening Sciatica Pain

If you have ever had sciatica pain, you know the frustration of trying to relieve that nagging, seemingly elusive shock down the back of your leg. It radiates down the sciatic nerve from your lower back to your hips, buttocks, and leg. Maybe the best way to prevent its return is understanding the common causes of worsening sciatica pain. Continue reading “Common Causes of Worsening Sciatica Pain”

How to Manage Back Pain While You Sleep

If you suffer from back pain every once in a while or if it is a chronic condition, you know how hard daily life can be with that aggravating pain. Sometimes the only relief you may get is while sleeping, but many of us find it almost impossible to get comfortable. Let us give you some tips on how to manage back pain while you sleep so that you can wake up refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

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