Category: Pain Management

How to Start a Conversation About Managing Your Chronic Pain

Describing your pain can be like trying to explain what the color purple looks like. Only describing pain is harder since you don’t have anything you can visualize for someone else. Whether your pain just happened due to an injury or it comes and goes almost every day, being able to clearly define it for your doctor is important for healing. We will give you some guidelines for how to start a conversation about managing your chronic pain.

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5 Reasons to See a Pain Management Doctor

We all have pain to some degree, especially as we get older. Sometimes it is worse in the morning when we wake up, sometimes it hits us mid-afternoon after standing too long, or for some, it hurts whenever we move. That might be called chronic pain. Some people suffer with it thinking it’s just old age. If you can relate to any of these situations, it might be time to get some help. Here are 5 reasons to see a pain management doctor.

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Is My Back Pain Spinal Stenosis?

If you have chronic back pain, you more than likely have tried heating pads, cold treatments, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, but nothing really works for long. The back pain comes back just by moving a certain way. Maybe it’s time to find out: is my back pain spinal stenosis?

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What Is The Difference Between Acute & Chronic Pain?

Most of us suffer with some type of pain as we go through life. Sometimes it comes and goes, other times it hits us between the teeth, and sometimes it stays with us much longer than we want. Knowing what kind of pain you have can help you manage it. What is the difference between acute & chronic pain? Continue reading “What Is The Difference Between Acute & Chronic Pain?”

Tips To Avoid Back Pain During The Holidays

Isn’t it ironic that one of the supposed happiest times of the year can be filled with stress and warnings about avoiding back pain? It’s true, but there are strategies to reduce the stress and keep you and your back happy. If you are already getting stressed just thinking about the upcoming holiday, here are some tips to avoid back pain during the holidays.

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What Is Causing My Neck Pain?

Many of us have awakened in the morning with neck pain, and we immediately know we somehow slept wrong. We move around and within a short amount of time, the pain is miraculously gone. But what happens if that neck pain doesn’t go away, if it’s chronic, or no amount of over-the-counter medications are helping? You start asking: what is causing my neck pain?

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Is It Better To Take Aspirin Or Tylenol for Pain?

You are having back pain, your knee is throbbing, or maybe you have a simple headache. You open your cabinet full of over the counter meds and wonder which one you should grab to get some relief from your particular pain. It can be confusing sometimes, so is it better to take aspirin or Tylenol for pain?

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