Chronic Neck Pain: 5 Non-Surgical Treatment Options That Can HelpJan 21, 2025People with neck pain — more than 50% — experience chronic symptoms that affect mobility and quality of life. Thankfully, various non-surgical treatments can provide lasting relief. Learn more here.Continue reading →
Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Knee Osteoarthritis (OA): What to ExpectDec 17, 2024Nearly 20% of Americans 45 and older suffer from knee osteoarthritis. Consider hyaluronic acid (HA) injections if you’re one of them. This blog discusses the treatment in depth.Continue reading →
Top Solutions for Neuropathy Pain You Need to Explore With Your Doctor Nov 08, 2024Neuropathy can cause a variety of symptoms, most of which can take a toll on your quality of life and your overall health and wellness. Fortunately, there are treatments that can help. Here are some options you might want to consider. Continue reading →
How Botox® Works to Provide Long-Lasting TMJ ReliefOct 07, 2024Are you tired of jaw pain and headaches from TMJ? Discover how Botox® can provide long-lasting relief and add comfort to your daily life. Continue reading →
Can Physical Therapy Resolve My Sciatica for Good?Sep 02, 2024Are you tired of dealing with sciatica pain? Keep reading to discover how physical therapy can offer lasting relief and how to keep the pain at bay for good. Continue reading →
How Fibromyalgia Affects Your Entire BodyAug 14, 2024Are you struggling with widespread pain, fatigue, and cognitive fog? Keep reading to discover how fibromyalgia affects your entire body, and start managing your symptoms today! Continue reading →
Is Back Pain Normal As You Age?Jul 22, 2024Uncover why back pain isn’t always a certainty as you age. Read more to learn practical tips to keep your spine strong and pain-free. Continue reading →
Why You Shouldn't Ignore Your Whiplash SymptomsJun 24, 2024Don’t ignore the signs if you’re experiencing neck pain after an injury. Keep reading to discover why addressing whiplash symptoms is crucial for your long-term health. Continue reading →
Spotting the Warning Signs of a Herniated DiscMay 22, 2024Think you might have a herniated disc? Keep reading to find out a few of the warning signs!Continue reading →
Do I Need Surgery To Relieve My Chronic Shoulder Pain?Jul 27, 2023How often have you had a twinge in your shoulder and taken over-the-counter pain medication? Probably too many to count. Then two days later that pain is a bit worse. How many times do you reach for a pain reliever before you decide to take action?Continue reading →
How to Find Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Pain ReliefJun 24, 2023Oh my aching back! How many times have you said this out loud or thought about it? It might have been pain from your sacroiliac joint in your lower back. If so, keep reading to discover how to find sacroiliac (SI) joint pain relief.Continue reading →
Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment: What You Should KnowMay 24, 2023Is back or neck pain affecting your quality of life? If you have tried other sources of pain relief like over-the-counter medications, prescription meds, acupuncture, or chiropractic treatments, osteopathic manipulation may finally provide some relief. Continue reading →
How to Start a Conversation About Managing Your Chronic PainApr 13, 2023Describing your pain can be like trying to explain what the color purple looks like. Only describing pain is harder since you don’t have anything you can visualize for someone else. Continue reading →
What Should I Do When My Chronic Pain Becomes Unbearable?Mar 13, 2023Coping with chronic pain is bad enough, but when it flares or suddenly becomes much worse, then what? What should I do when my chronic pain becomes unbearable?Continue reading →
Understanding Pain Management InjectionsFeb 13, 2023Living with chronic pain is a daily adventure. One day it’s your knee, and the next day it could be your lower back that is bothering you. Roll the dice. When pain becomes a major part of your life, you need some relief.Continue reading →
The Relationship Between Chronic Pain And FatigueJan 13, 2023Are you feeling tired because you’re in constant pain? Are you in pain because you don’t have the energy to move around like you used to? Is your pain wearing you down? Answering yes to these questions puts you in a unique group of people who suffer from..Continue reading →
6 Ways To Avoid Holiday Back PainDec 13, 2022“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”… sang Andy Williams decades ago, but it still plays on those radiostations that start holiday music at Halloween. Maybe they do it just to give you a head start on stress. Continue reading →
What Are Common Triggers of TMJ?Nov 09, 2022Temporomandibular joint disorders are commonly known as TMJ, for obvious reasons. Difficult to say and more painful to experience. This difficult-to-pronounce joint is located in front of the ear, and it allows our jaw to open and close smoothly. Continue reading →
The Relationship Between Nutrition And MigrainesOct 06, 2022Does diet play a role in getting a migraine? Are there certain triggers which bring one on? Is it the food or a chemical within the food? The relationship between nutrition and migraines is mostly anecdotal, but more clinical studies are being done..Continue reading →
5 Reasons to See a Pain Management DoctorSep 12, 2022We all have pain to some degree, especially as we get older. Sometimes it is worse in the morning when we wake up, sometimes it hits us mid-afternoon after standing too long, or for some, it hurts whenever we move. That might be called chronic pain.Continue reading →
How To Manage Chronic Pain When TravelingAug 04, 2022Many adults give up on the idea of traveling when they live with chronic pain. They think those days are behind them, and they settle for dreaming. We have some good news. If this sounds like you, keep reading and discover how to manage chronic pain when..Continue reading →
How Meditation Can Help Ease PainJul 12, 2022If you have been one of those people who always thought meditation was just a kooky and crazy practice, time to think again. Keep reading and find out how meditation can help ease pain. Continue reading →
Best Foods For Chronic PainJun 08, 2022Did it ever occur to you that the foods you are eating can actually contribute to your chronic pain? Certain foods can exacerbate your pain while others actually help to relieve it. If you suffer from chronic pain, keep reading to learn about the best foodContinue reading →
6 Ways to Prevent Frequent MigrainesMay 06, 2022If you are someone who suffers from migraines and you get them frequently, there is help. Keep reading to discover 6 ways to prevent frequent migraines.Continue reading →
What Does A Pain Management Doctor Do?Apr 08, 2022No one should live with pain. No one should have pain interfere with their life, and no one should be saddled with pain for long periods of time. It is possible to take control of your pain and your life by seeing a pain specialist.Continue reading →
Is My Back Pain Spinal Stenosis?Mar 09, 2022If you have chronic back pain, you more than likely have tried heating pads, cold treatments, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, but nothing really works for long. The back pain comes back just by moving a certain way. Continue reading →
How To Lower Your Risk Of OsteoporosisJan 19, 2022Most of us don’t spend a lot of time fretting about our bone health, but once it begins to infringe on our daily lives, that can change. While much of the ability to maintain bone strength is out of our direct control,Continue reading →
What Is The Difference Between Acute & Chronic Pain?Dec 22, 2021Most of us suffer with some type of pain as we go through life. Sometimes it comes and goes, other times it hits us between the teeth, and sometimes it stays with us much longer than we want. Knowing what kind of pain you have can help you manage it.Continue reading →
Tips To Avoid Back Pain During The HolidaysDec 02, 2021Isn’t it ironic that one of the supposed happiest times of the year can be filled with stress and warnings about avoiding back pain? It’s true, but there are strategies to reduce the stress and keep you and your back happy.Continue reading →
How A Sedentary Lifestyle Impacts Chronic PainNov 02, 2021Are you sitting on your aforementioned couch suffering from frequent or chronic pain? You are tired, in pain, and the last thing you want to do is get up off the couch and move? We hear you, but it’s time to make some changes.Continue reading →
Understanding Epidural Injections As A Treatment OptionOct 01, 2021Pay attention if you suffer with lower back pain and sciatica. Understanding epidural injections as a treatment option may save you from needing surgery later.Continue reading →
What Is Causing My Neck Pain?Sep 02, 2021Many of us have awakened in the morning with neck pain, and we immediately know we somehow slept wrong. We move around and within a short amount of time, the pain is miraculously gone. But what happens if that neck pain doesn’t go away,Continue reading →
Is It Better To Take Aspirin Or Tylenol for Pain?Jul 14, 2021You are having back pain, your knee is throbbing, or maybe you have a simple headache. You open your cabinet full of over the counter meds and wonder which one you should grab to get some relief from your particular pain.Continue reading →
Neck And Arm Pain That Won’t Go AwayJun 09, 2021When you have neck and arm pain that won’t go away, it feels like you have hit a wall. You’ve tried ice, heating pads, OTC medications, and nothing relieves the nagging, and sometimes stabbing, pain. Let’s find out what causes this chronic pain and..Continue reading →
The Benefits Of Seeing A Pain Management SpecialistMay 12, 2021That aching back or stress headache can usually be helped by OTC meds and resting. When typical methods stop working and the pains become more frequent, these annoyances reach another level, namely chronic pain. If this sounds like you, let us explain..Continue reading →
Signs Your Job Could Be Causing Your Chronic PainApr 07, 2021So you come home almost every night with back pain, neck pain, numbness in your wrist and hands, or a headache. Sound familiar? If so, these might be signs your job could be causing your chronic pain. Unless you are ready to quit your job or retire,Continue reading →
How Does Weight Loss Help With Pain ManagementMar 08, 2021How does weight loss help with pain management? For most of us, we already know we have put on too many pounds and the truth is that being overweight affects most everything in our body, including pain. That’s why we hear so much about weight loss.Continue reading →
Joint Pain: When Is It Time To See A SpecialistFeb 08, 2021When you have joint pain, it becomes top of mind every time you move. It doesn’t matter if it’s your knee, elbow, hip, or shoulder. Move, and there’s pain. It limits your ability to participate in sports, to exercise, play with your children or..Continue reading →
Chronic Pain Is Never Normal: Why You Should Seek TreatmentJan 13, 2021Pain is a pain! When you are in chronic pain, you lose your sense of humor, so excuse the pun. It becomes difficult to manage day-to-day activities and relationships take a back seat. Furthermore, chronic pain is never normal. Continue reading →
The Link Between Chronic Pain And InactivityDec 08, 2020Have you ever noticed that your couch potato friend always seems to have lots of complaints? When you ask them to join you in a game of touch football, softball, or even a night out on the town, they have lots of excuses.Continue reading →
Can Chronic Pain Affect The Immune System?Nov 06, 2020Can chronic pain affect the immune system? The answer is a resounding yes! Anyone who lives each day with chronic pain, as 100 million Americans do, understands the stress it creates. Let’s discover why this is true and what you can do about it.Continue reading →
Chronic Pain: 4 Signs You Should Seek Help From A SpecialistOct 05, 2020Do you wake up every morning with pain? Have you had pain in your lower back or shoulders for so long you can’t remember when it first started? This type of pain is known as chronic pain. You seem to always have it,Continue reading →
Aging Doesn’t Mean Having To Live With PainSep 09, 2020Sometimes we can feel older than we actually are if we suffer with chronic aches and pain, whereas some older folks act and feel like they are 30 years younger. “You’re only as old as you feel,” seems to ring true here.Continue reading →
5 Ways To Forget Your Chronic Pain And Enjoy SummerAug 06, 2020You have places to go, people to see, and things to enjoy this summer. If only you didn’t have to deal with your chronic pain. But there it is again, that debilitating pain and stiffness which depletes your energy and can stop you in your tracks.Continue reading →
What You Need To Know About Managing Pain with InjectionsJul 07, 2020If you suffer with nagging and debilitating chronic pain, have already tried medications and physical therapy with no relief, but want to avoid surgery, injections are an option for managing that chronic or even acute pain. Before you make that decision,Continue reading →
Common Spinal Issues From Sitting All Day At A DeskJun 05, 2020Many of us have worked at a computer in an office for many years, and at the moment we may be working from home. Regardless of where you are working, there is no question sitting at a desk all day takes its toll on the spine.Continue reading →
Managing Your Chronic Pain During The SummerMay 06, 2020As the weather continues to warm, we all look forward to our favorite activities during summer like swimming, hiking, biking, and maybe even playing a little golf. Take some time now to plan ahead about managing your chronic pain during the summer.Continue reading →
7 Ways to Protect Your Joints and Prevent OsteoarthritisApr 07, 2020The Arthritis Foundation tells us 27 million Americans suffer from OA, and it’s the most common condition of the joints. If you have osteoarthritis, we don’t have to tell you about the stiffness and discomfort, nor do we need to cite the loss of mobility.Continue reading →
Common Causes of Worsening Sciatica PainMar 06, 2020If you have ever had sciatica pain, you know the frustration of trying to relieve that nagging, seemingly elusive shock down the back of your leg. It radiates down the sciatic nerve from your lower back to your hips, buttocks, and leg.Continue reading →
Frequent Causes of Hip Pain and How Palm Beach Pain Institute Can HelpFeb 07, 2020The hip joint is the largest joint in our bodies, and as we age, there are a number of conditions that can lead to hip pain and a reduced range of motion. If you are suffering with minor or long term hip pain,Continue reading →
8 Ways to Easily Treat and Prevent Wrist PainJan 08, 2020Different components of the body are constantly working together in perfect tandem, and if one area is stressed, it can cause a chain reaction of stress and discomfort. To prove our point, let’s look at 8 ways to easily treat and prevent wrist pain.Continue reading →
How To Avoid Elbow Pain Caused By Cubital Tunnel SyndromeDec 09, 2019As you read this, are you sitting at your computer with your elbows bent at ninety degrees or more? Do you always hold your cell as you talk or sleep at night with an elbow bent? If you answered yes to either of these,Continue reading →
Frequently Asked Questions About PRP InjectionsNov 07, 2019What if we told you that you could have an injection into a damaged part of your body that would stimulate the growth of healthy new cells as well as promote faster healing? Instead of thinking it’s something from the future,Continue reading →
Preventing Hand Pain Caused By Your SmartphoneOct 10, 2019If you experience tingling, pain, stiffness, and cramping in your hand from using your smartphone, we could suggest you stop using it for about a month. That advice would most likely help, but we can hear you laughing now since we all know that..Continue reading →
How to Manage Back Pain While You SleepSep 16, 2019If you suffer from back pain every once in a while or if it is a chronic condition, you know how hard daily life can be with that aggravating pain. Sometimes the only relief you may get is while sleeping, but many of us find it almost impossible to get comContinue reading →
When Should I Seek Help for Chronic Pain?Aug 19, 2019The short answer to this question is whenever you feel it is necessary. However, there are many tips and tricks that may help you live with chronic pain without needing professional assistance. Here are just a few that you can try on your own!Continue reading →
Why You May Be Experiencing Hip Pain at NightJul 18, 2019You toss, you turn, and you get zero sleep. If that sounds like a regular night for you because of hip pain, you’re probably going to want some relief as soon as possible. The first course of action is to figure out the root of that pain.Continue reading →
Easy Exercises To Stretch Your Frozen ShoulderJun 14, 2019A frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a painful condition which limits your ability to lift your shoulder and arm. It develops gradually, and will continue to get worse over time if not treated properly with PT or home exercises like..Continue reading →
New Website LaunchMay 13, 2019We are proud to announce the launch of our new website.Continue reading →