Author: Palm Beach Pain Institute

What Is Causing My Neck Pain?

Many of us have awakened in the morning with neck pain, and we immediately know we somehow slept wrong. We move around and within a short amount of time, the pain is miraculously gone. But what happens if that neck pain doesn’t go away, if it’s chronic, or no amount of over-the-counter medications are helping? You start asking: what is causing my neck pain?

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Is It Better To Take Aspirin Or Tylenol for Pain?

You are having back pain, your knee is throbbing, or maybe you have a simple headache. You open your cabinet full of over the counter meds and wonder which one you should grab to get some relief from your particular pain. It can be confusing sometimes, so is it better to take aspirin or Tylenol for pain?

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The Benefits Of Seeing A Pain Management Specialist

That aching back or stress headache can usually be helped by OTC meds and resting. When typical methods stop working and the pains become more frequent, these annoyances reach another level, namely chronic pain. If this sounds like you, let us explain the benefits of seeing a pain management specialist.

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Signs Your Job Could Be Causing Your Chronic Pain

So you come home almost every night with back pain, neck pain, numbness in your wrist and hands, or a headache. Sound familiar? If so, these might be signs your job could be causing your chronic pain. Unless you are ready to quit your job or retire, let’s recognize the causes, and learn ways to reduce or eliminate that chronic pain.

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How Does Weight Loss Help With Pain Management

How does weight loss help with pain management? For most of us, we already know we have put on too many pounds and the truth is that being overweight affects most everything in our body, including pain. That’s why we hear so much about weight loss. Rather than beating yourself up about what the scale says, let’s look at how losing just a little weight might help with pain management.

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Joint Pain: When Is It Time To See A Specialist

When you have joint pain, it becomes top of mind every time you move. It doesn’t matter if it’s your knee, elbow, hip, or shoulder. Move, and there’s pain. It limits your ability to participate in sports, to exercise, play with your children or grandchildren, and it interferes with just plain everyday activities. So, what is the tipping point of joint pain, and when is it time to see a specialist?

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